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Glam Dog- Fashion Show for Pugs

Posted on March 02, 2014
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Found a news article from last November that we couldn't pass up commenting on. Glam Dogs, a fashion show for pugs! We love pugs and fashion. Who doesn't?!? Pugs strutting they're stuff on the runway!

Luxury fashion designers presented their custom tailored dog designs on the most beautiful pugsters in Shanghai.  Watch the fashion video here It's not to be missed.

Glamor sales choose a great spokesperson if you ask us. I think others agree too. The runway fashion video went viral- a thousand hits - or six million, if you count Instagram and Weibo, China's most popular social media site.

Make your selections in the comments.

Stay classy ladies and gents! Be sure to share any glam pics with us of your Pug. Thanks for reading all.

Pug Fanatic!


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